
Presenter Notes

Windows Registry Review

Hierarchal database

Maintains configuration settings - Applications - Hardware - Devices - Users - Wireless networks

Presenter Notes

Physical Structure

Binary files

Stored in RAM and hard drive

Limited data types

Logical Structure

Contains Five Root Hives

Each Hive consists of Hives and Keys

Each key has a set of

  • triples
  • Subkey list
  • Last access time

Presenter Notes

Root Hives


  • Contains all the actively loaded user profiles for the system


  • Is the active, loaded user profile currently logged on


  • Contains configuration information for the system bot HW and SW


  • Contains the hardware profile the system uses at startup


  • Contains configuration information for which apps open which files

Presenter Notes


The registry is constantly processed at run time

Lots of registry artifacts in RAM

Recently ran programs, password hashes, new keys and values

_CMHIVE data structure for disk

_HHIVE is the header for a specific hive

Presenter Notes


Pool tag is CM10

>>> dt("_CMHIVE")
 '_CMHIVE' (1584 bytes)
0x0   : Hive                           ['_HHIVE']
0x2ec : FileHandles                    ['array', 6, ['pointer', ['void']]]
0x304 : NotifyList                     ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x30c : HiveList                       ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x314 : PreloadedHiveList              ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x31c : HiveRundown                    ['_EX_RUNDOWN_REF']
0x320 : ParseCacheEntries              ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x328 : KcbCacheTable                  ['pointer', ['_CM_KEY_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY']]
0x32c : KcbCacheTableSize              ['unsigned long']
0x330 : Identity                       ['unsigned long']
0x334 : HiveLock                       ['pointer', ['_FAST_MUTEX']]
0x338 : ViewLock                       ['_EX_PUSH_LOCK']
0x33c : ViewLockOwner                  ['pointer', ['_KTHREAD']]
0x340 : ViewLockLast                   ['unsigned long']
0x344 : ViewUnLockLast                 ['unsigned long']
0x348 : WriterLock                     ['pointer', ['_FAST_MUTEX']]
0x34c : FlusherLock                    ['pointer', ['_ERESOURCE']]
0x350 : FlushDirtyVector               ['_RTL_BITMAP']
0x358 : FlushOffsetArray               ['pointer', ['CMP_OFFSET_ARRAY']]
0x35c : FlushOffsetArrayCount          ['unsigned long']
0x360 : FlushHiveTruncated             ['unsigned long']
0x364 : FlushLock2                     ['pointer', ['_FAST_MUTEX']]
0x368 : SecurityLock                   ['_EX_PUSH_LOCK']
0x36c : MappedViewList                 ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x374 : PinnedViewList                 ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x37c : FlushedViewList                ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x384 : MappedViewCount                ['unsigned short']
0x386 : PinnedViewCount                ['unsigned short']
0x388 : UseCount                       ['unsigned long']
0x38c : ViewsPerHive                   ['unsigned long']
0x390 : FileObject                     ['pointer', ['_FILE_OBJECT']]
0x394 : LastShrinkHiveSize             ['unsigned long']
0x398 : ActualFileSize                 ['_LARGE_INTEGER']
0x3a0 : FileFullPath                   ['_UNICODE_STRING']
0x3a8 : FileUserName                   ['_UNICODE_STRING']
0x3b0 : HiveRootPath                   ['_UNICODE_STRING']
0x3b8 : SecurityCount                  ['unsigned long']
0x3bc : SecurityCacheSize              ['unsigned long']
0x3c0 : SecurityHitHint                ['long']
0x3c4 : SecurityCache                  ['pointer', ['_CM_KEY_SECURITY_CACHE_ENTRY']]
0x3c8 : SecurityHash                   ['array', 64, ['_LIST_ENTRY']]
0x5c8 : UnloadEventCount               ['unsigned long']
0x5cc : UnloadEventArray               ['pointer', ['pointer', ['_KEVENT']]]
0x5d0 : RootKcb                        ['pointer', ['_CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK']]
0x5d4 : Frozen                         ['unsigned char']
0x5d8 : UnloadWorkItem                 ['pointer', ['_CM_WORKITEM']]
0x5dc : UnloadWorkItemHolder           ['_CM_WORKITEM']
0x5f0 : GrowOnlyMode                   ['unsigned char']
0x5f4 : GrowOffset                     ['unsigned long']
0x5f8 : KcbConvertListHead             ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x600 : KnodeConvertListHead           ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x608 : CellRemapArray                 ['pointer', ['_CM_CELL_REMAP_BLOCK']]
0x60c : Flags                          ['unsigned long']
0x610 : TrustClassEntry                ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x618 : FlushCount                     ['unsigned long']
0x61c : CmRm                           ['pointer', ['_CM_RM']]
0x620 : CmRmInitFailPoint              ['unsigned long']
0x624 : CmRmInitFailStatus             ['long']
0x628 : CreatorOwner                   ['pointer', ['_KTHREAD']]
0x62c : RundownThread                  ['pointer', ['_KTHREAD']]

Presenter Notes

We care about

0x0 HIVE

0x30c HiveList. Doble list of _CMHIVEs using _LIST_ENTRY

0x3a0 FullFilePath \Device\HardDIsk\Windows\sys\config\software

0x3a8 FIleUserName \/\ system root



Signature is 0xbee0bee0

>>> dt("_HHIVE")
 '_HHIVE' (748 bytes)
0x0   : Signature                      ['unsigned long']
0x4   : GetCellRoutine                 ['pointer', ['void']]
0x8   : ReleaseCellRoutine             ['pointer', ['void']]
0xc   : Allocate                       ['pointer', ['void']]
0x10  : Free                           ['pointer', ['void']]
0x14  : FileSetSize                    ['pointer', ['void']]
0x18  : FileWrite                      ['pointer', ['void']]
0x1c  : FileRead                       ['pointer', ['void']]
0x20  : FileFlush                      ['pointer', ['void']]
0x24  : HiveLoadFailure                ['pointer', ['void']]
0x28  : BaseBlock                      ['pointer', ['_HBASE_BLOCK']]
0x2c  : DirtyVector                    ['_RTL_BITMAP']
0x34  : DirtyCount                     ['unsigned long']
0x38  : DirtyAlloc                     ['unsigned long']
0x3c  : BaseBlockAlloc                 ['unsigned long']
0x40  : Cluster                        ['unsigned long']
0x44  : Flat                           ['unsigned char']
0x45  : ReadOnly                       ['unsigned char']
0x46  : DirtyFlag                      ['unsigned char']
0x48  : HvBinHeadersUse                ['unsigned long']
0x4c  : HvFreeCellsUse                 ['unsigned long']
0x50  : HvUsedCellsUse                 ['unsigned long']
0x54  : CmUsedCellsUse                 ['unsigned long']
0x58  : HiveFlags                      ['unsigned long']
0x5c  : CurrentLog                     ['unsigned long']
0x60  : LogSize                        ['array', 2, ['unsigned long']]
0x68  : RefreshCount                   ['unsigned long']
0x6c  : StorageTypeCount               ['unsigned long']
0x70  : Version                        ['unsigned long']
0x74  : Storage                        ['array', 2, ['_DUAL']]

Presenter Notes

We care about

0x00 signature

0x28 BaseBlock root key of the registry

0x58 Storage virtual address space for keys

Hives in memory

Are not contagious

Configuration Manager (CM) manages virtual memory for registry keys and values

Ceell indexes and virtual addresses are mapped bu the CM

_HHIVE.Storage gives us full access to registry data in memory from CM

0x74  : Storage                        ['array', 2, ['_DUAL']]
>>> dt("_DUAL")
 '_DUAL' (316 bytes)
0x0   : Length                         ['unsigned long']
0x4   : Map                            ['pointer', ['_HMAP_DIRECTORY']]
0x8   : SmallDir                       ['pointer', ['_HMAP_TABLE']]
0xc   : Guard                          ['unsigned long']
0x10  : FreeDisplay                    ['array', 24, ['_FREE_DISPLAY']]
0x130 : FreeSummary                    ['unsigned long']
0x134 : FreeBins                       ['_LIST_ENTRY']

_HHIVE.Storage.Map goes to structures to obtain the address of a key

Presenter Notes

Finding key in memory

 '_HMAP_DIRECTORY' (4096 bytes)
0x0   : Directory                      ['array', 1024, ['pointer', ['_HMAP_TABLE']]]

>>> dt("_HMAP_TABLE")
 '_HMAP_TABLE' (8192 bytes)
0x0   : Table                          ['array', 512, ['_HMAP_ENTRY']]

>>> dt("_HMAP_ENTRY")
 '_HMAP_ENTRY' (16 bytes)
0x0   : BlockAddress                   ['unsigned long']
0x4   : BinAddress                     ['unsigned long']
0x8   : CmView                         ['pointer', ['_CM_VIEW_OF_FILE']]
0xc   : MemAlloc                       ['unsigned long']

Presenter Notes


Once the value of a cell index is known, a key can be found in memory.

Split key into

  • 31:31 = Stable/Volatile flag.
  • 30:21 = Index into the directory memory
  • 20:12 = Table memory
  • 11:0 = aoffset within block address where the key data resides.
    • Add 4 from block address offset.

Presenter Notes

What Registry Keys Matter?

Tons of data in registry.... what matters?

  • Auto-start programs
  • Hardware
  • User account information
  • Most recently used lists (MRU)
  • System information
  • Malware Configurations

Presenter Notes

Hives in memory

There are hives only in memory


WinAPI functions cause a flush to disk every 5 seconds

  • Malware doesn't use the API and only operates in memory

Presenter Notes

Volatility Hivelist

Scans for CM10 pool tag and prints virtual and physical offsets of hives.

_CMHIVE.HiveList is traversed once a valid _CMHIVE is found

You can supply the offset of a specific hive. Otherwise this module will use the results from hivescan automatically.

  -W, --show-unallocated
                        Skip unallocated objects (e.g. 0xbad0b0b0)
  -A START, --start=START
                        The starting address to begin scanning
  -G LENGTH, --length=LENGTH
                        Length (in bytes) to scan from the starting address

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 hivelist
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Virtual    Physical   Name
---------- ---------- ----
0x87c1a248 0x27f67248 \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM
0x87c429c8 0x27d519c8 \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE
0x8bb5b9c8 0x25e359c8 \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE
0x8bbf0100 0x257a2100 \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Boot\BCD
0x91034008 0x1f326008 \SystemRoot\System32\Config\DEFAULT
0x91113930 0x1e7e4930 \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SECURITY
0x978109c8 0x1ab599c8 \??\C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT
0x97858008 0x20b92008 \??\C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT
0x978e2008 0x207d0008 \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SAM
0xa0ddc008 0x2d856008 \??\C:\System Volume Information\Syscache.hve
0x8244a008 0x10c58008 \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat

Presenter Notes

Locating hives

Registry File header is broken into logical hive bins

Each hive bin has a header and is broken into cells

cells contain key and value data


Presenter Notes

Printing Keys and Values

Registry keys are in a tree-like structure with a root key and children keys

Leaf-nodes are subkeys

>>> dt("_CM_KEY_NODE")
 '_CM_KEY_NODE' (80 bytes)
0x0   : Signature                      ['String', {'length': 2}]
0x2   : Flags                          ['unsigned short']
0x4   : LastWriteTime                  ['WinTimeStamp', {'is_utc': True}]
0xc   : Spare                          ['unsigned long']
0x10  : Parent                         ['pointer32', ['_CM_KEY_NODE']]
0x14  : SubKeyCounts                   ['array', 2, ['unsigned long']]
0x1c  : ChildHiveReference             ['_CM_KEY_REFERENCE']
0x1c  : SubKeyLists                    ['array', 2, ['unsigned long']]
0x24  : ValueList                      ['_CHILD_LIST']
0x2c  : Security                       ['unsigned long']
0x30  : Class                          ['unsigned long']
0x34  : Debug                          ['BitField', {'end_bit': 32, 'start_bit': 24, 'native_type': 'unsigned long'}]
0x34  : MaxNameLen                     ['BitField', {'end_bit': 16, 'start_bit': 0, 'native_type': 'unsigned long'}]
0x34  : UserFlags                      ['BitField', {'end_bit': 20, 'start_bit': 16, 'native_type': 'unsigned long'}]
0x34  : VirtControlFlags               ['BitField', {'end_bit': 24, 'start_bit': 20, 'native_type': 'unsigned long'}]
0x38  : MaxClassLen                    ['unsigned long']
0x3c  : MaxValueNameLen                ['unsigned long']
0x40  : MaxValueDataLen                ['unsigned long']
0x44  : WorkVar                        ['unsigned long']
0x48  : NameLength                     ['unsigned short']
0x4a  : ClassLength                    ['unsigned short']
0x4c  : Name                           ['String', {'length': <function <lambda> at 0x984c9cc>}]

Presenter Notes


Allows you to print a key’s values and data, the list of subkeys, and last write timestamp


0x87c429c8 0x27d519c8 \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE
0x8244a008 0x10c58008 \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat

hivescan -h
  -V, --virtual         Scan virtual space instead of physical
  -W, --show-unallocated
                        Skip unallocated objects (e.g. 0xbad0b0b0)
  -A START, --start=START
                        The starting address to begin scanning
  -G LENGTH, --length=LENGTH
                        Length (in bytes) to scan from the starting address
  -o HIVE_OFFSET, --hive-offset=HIVE_OFFSET
                        Hive offset (virtual)
  -K KEY, --key=KEY     Registry Key

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 printkey -o 0x87c429c8
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Legend: (S) = Stable   (V) = Volatile

Key name: HARDWARE (S)
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:45:46 UTC+0000

  (S) ACPI


[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 printkey -o 0x8244a008
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Legend: (S) = Stable   (V) = Volatile

Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat
Key name: CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C} (S)
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:45:59 UTC+0000

  (S) AppEvents
  (S) Console
  (S) Control Panel
  (S) Environment
  (S) EUDC
  (S) Identities
  (S) Keyboard Layout
  (S) Network
  (S) Printers
  (S) Software
  (S) System
  (V) Volatile Environment


Presenter Notes

Malware and printkey

Malware loves run/startup keys

For system startup

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

For user logons

  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Run
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

Presenter Notes

Run keys and Volatility

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 printkey -K "Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Legend: (S) = Stable   (V) = Volatile

Registry: \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE
Key name: Run (S)
Last updated: 2013-10-05 07:33:58 UTC+0000


REG_SZ        VMware User Process : (S) "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vmtoolsd.exe" -n vmusr

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 printkey -K "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Legend: (S) = Stable   (V) = Volatile

Registry: \??\C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT
Key name: Run (S)
Last updated: 2009-07-14 04:34:14 UTC+0000


REG_EXPAND_SZ Sidebar         : (S) %ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe /autoRun
Registry: \??\C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT
Key name: Run (S)
Last updated: 2009-07-14 04:34:14 UTC+0000


REG_EXPAND_SZ Sidebar         : (S) %ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe /autoRun
Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat
Key name: Run (S)
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:46:10 UTC+0000


REG_SZ        RESTART_STICKY_NOTES : (S) C:\Windows\system32\StikyNot.exe

Presenter Notes

Registry Keys for Services


[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 printkey -K currentcontrolset
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Legend: (S) = Stable   (V) = Volatile

Key name: CurrentControlSet (V)
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:45:46 UTC+0000


REG_LINK      SymbolicLinkValue : (V) \Registry\Machine\System\ControlSet001

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 printkey -K "ControlSet001\services"
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Legend: (S) = Stable   (V) = Volatile

Key name: services (S)
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:47:10 UTC+0000

  (S) .NET CLR Data
  (S) .NET CLR Networking
  (S) .NET CLR Networking
  (S) .NET Data Provider for Oracle
  (S) .NET Data Provider for SqlServer
  (S) .NETFramework
  (S) 1394ohci
  (S) ACPI
  (S) AcpiPmi
  (S) adp94xx
  (S) adpahci
  (S) adpu320
  (S) adsi
  (S) AeLookupSvc
  (S) AFD
  (S) agp440
  (S) aic78xx
  (S) ALG
  (S) aliide
  (S) amdagp
  (S) amdide
  (S) AmdK8
  (S) AmdPPM
  (S) amdsata
  (S) amdsbs
  (S) amdxata
  (S) AppID
  (S) AppIDSvc
  (S) Appinfo
  (S) AppMgmt
  (S) arc
  (S) arcsas
  (S) AsyncMac
  (S) atapi
  (S) AudioEndpointBuilder

Presenter Notes

Out of memory

Can use dumpfiles and extract hives on Pre-W7


To recursively list all subkeys in a hive, use the hivedump command and pass it the virtual address to the desired hive.

0x8244a008 0x10c58008 \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat

  --output=text         Output in this format (format support is module
                        write output in this file
  -v, --verbose         Verbose information
  -g KDBG, --kdbg=KDBG  Specify a specific KDBG virtual address
  -k KPCR, --kpcr=KPCR  Specify a specific KPCR address
  -o HIVE_OFFSET, --hive-offset=HIVE_OFFSET
                        Hive offset (virtual)
[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 hivedump -o 0x8244a008
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Last Written         Key
2013-10-15 18:45:59 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents
2013-10-06 16:36:10 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\.Default
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\ActivatingDocument
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\AppGPFault
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\BlockedPopup
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\CCSelect
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\ChangeTheme
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\Close
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\CriticalBatteryAlarm
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\DeviceConnect
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\DeviceDisconnect
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\DeviceFail
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\DisNumbersSound
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\EmptyRecycleBin
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\FaxBeep
2011-03-04 14:34:02 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\FaxError
2011-03-04 14:34:02 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\FaxLineRings
2011-03-04 14:34:02 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\FaxSent
2011-03-04 14:33:06 UTC+0000 \CMI-CreateHive{6A1C4018-979D-4291-A7DC-7AED1C75B67C}\AppEvents\EventLabels\FeedDiscovered

Presenter Notes


Userassist keys

Processes the user ran and the time they were ran

Path of program is rot13 encoded

  • Caesar cipher where letters shift 13 places


Print userassist registry keys and information

  -o HIVE_OFFSET, --hive-offset=HIVE_OFFSET
                        Hive offset (virtual)
  -K KEY, --key=KEY     Registry Key
[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 userassist
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat
Key name: Count
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:48:57 UTC+0000


REG_BINARY    %ProgramFiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe :
Count:          1
Focus Count:    9
Time Focused:   0:03:38.391000
Last updated:   2013-10-15 18:14:36 UTC+0000
0x00000000  00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 23 53 03 00   ............#S..
0x00000010  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000020  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000030  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf ff ff ff ff 80 19 b5 67   ...............g
0x00000040  d2 c9 ce 01 00 00 00 00                           ........

REG_BINARY    C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\nasm-2.10.09-installer.exe :
Count:          1
Focus Count:    0
Time Focused:   0:00:05.500000
Last updated:   2013-10-06 16:33:02 UTC+0000
0x00000000  00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 00 00   ................
0x00000010  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000020  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000030  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf ff ff ff ff d0 65 07 ba   .............e..
0x00000040  b1 c2 ce 01 00 00 00 00                           ........

REG_BINARY    %windir%\system32\calc.exe :
Count:          14
Focus Count:    29
Time Focused:   0:05:47.842000
Last updated:   2013-10-15 18:46:12 UTC+0000
0x00000000  00 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00 1d 00 00 00 ce 4c 05 00   .............L..
0x00000010  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000020  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000030  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf ff ff ff ff 00 f1 39 d2   ..............9.
0x00000040  d6 c9 ce 01 00 00 00 00                           ........

REG_BINARY    %windir%\system32\SnippingTool.exe :
Count:          12
Focus Count:    18
Time Focused:   0:04:22.811000
Last updated:   2013-10-15 18:46:18 UTC+0000
0x00000000  00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 a7 00 04 00   ................
0x00000010  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000020  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000030  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf ff ff ff ff a0 03 66 d5   ..............f.
0x00000040  d6 c9 ce 01 00 00 00 00                           ........

REG_BINARY    %windir%\system32\mspaint.exe :
Count:          10
Focus Count:    12
Time Focused:   0:03:40.594000
Last updated:   2013-10-15 18:46:16 UTC+0000
0x00000000  00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 be 5b 03 00   .............[..
0x00000010  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000020  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf   ................
0x00000030  00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf ff ff ff ff 10 f1 72 d4   ..............r.
0x00000040  d6 c9 ce 01 00 00 00 00                           ........

Presenter Notes


Application Compatibility Database to identify application compatibility issues and their solutions

Keys contain path of executable and $STANDARD_INFORMATION of $MFT



[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 shimcache
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Last Modified                  Path
------------------------------ ----
2009-07-14 01:14:23 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\makecab.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:13 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\servicing\TrustedInstaller.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:20 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\LogonUI.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:18 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\dllhost.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:21 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\ipconfig.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:12 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
2012-10-31 22:12:08 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\resume-vm-default.bat
2012-10-31 22:12:08 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\suspend-vm-default.bat
2013-07-21 02:23:42 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\processhacker-2.31-bin\x86\ProcessHacker.exe
2013-02-27 05:05:53 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\consent.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:39 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\mobsync.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:13 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\networkexplorer.dll
2011-05-04 04:28:31 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\SearchFilterHost.exe
2011-05-04 04:28:31 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:18 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\driverquery.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:18 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\dpnsvr.exe
2009-07-13 21:41:43 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\DRWATSON.EXE
2009-07-14 01:14:18 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\DrvInst.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\dvdplay.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\dvdupgrd.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\DWWIN.EXE
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\system32\Dwm.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\dxdiag.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\Dxpserver.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\Eap3Host.exe
2009-07-13 21:40:50 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\edlin.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\efsui.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:21 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\dfrgui.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:19 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\EhStorAuthn.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:17 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\dialer.exe
2009-07-14 01:14:17 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\diantz.exe
2010-11-20 21:29:41 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\audiodev.dll
2010-11-20 21:29:41 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Windows\System32\wpdshext.dll
2006-11-01 18:05:24 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\efsdump.exe
2006-11-01 18:05:40 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\hex2dec.exe
2010-04-27 15:04:06 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\livekd.exe
2006-11-01 18:06:10 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\ldmdump.exe
2006-11-01 18:06:30 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\Listdlls.exe
2008-11-18 18:15:14 UTC+0000   \??\C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\handle.exe

Presenter Notes


Registry keys that track user window viewing preferences


  • Windows sizes and preferences
  • Icon and folder view settings
  • Metadata such as MAC timestamps
  • Most Recently Used (MRU) files and file type (zip, directory, installer)
  • Files, folders, zip files, and installers that existed at one point on the system (even if deleted)
  • Network shares and folders within the shares
  • Metadata associated with any of these types that may include timestamps and absolute paths
  • Information about TrueCrypt volumes

Presenter Notes

Could do a whole lecture on these...


This plugin parses and prints Shellbag information obtained from the registry.

Also parses data using Shellbag data types

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 shellbags
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Scanning for registries....
Gathering shellbag items and building path tree...
Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\ntuser.dat
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:45:30 UTC+0000
Value                     File Name      Modified Date                  Create Date                    Access Date                    File Attr                 Unicode Name
------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     GZIP-1~1.12-   2013-10-06 16:33:54 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:33:54 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:33:54 UTC+0000   DIR                       gzip-1.3.12-1-bin
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     PROCES~1.31-   2013-10-15 18:13:28 UTC+0000   2013-10-15 18:13:28 UTC+0000   2013-10-15 18:13:28 UTC+0000   DIR                       processhacker-2.31-bin
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     SYSINT~1       2011-03-04 14:39:26 UTC+0000   2011-03-04 14:39:26 UTC+0000   2011-03-04 14:39:26 UTC+0000   NI, DIR                   SysinternalsSuite
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     TRUECR~1       2013-10-06 16:38:34 UTC+0000   2013-10-05 01:33:00 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:38:34 UTC+0000   DIR                       TrueCrypt
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     nasm.lnk       2013-10-06 16:33:06 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:33:06 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:33:06 UTC+0000   ARC                       nasm.lnk
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     PROCES~1.ZIP   2013-10-15 18:13:08 UTC+0000   2013-10-15 18:13:18 UTC+0000   2013-10-15 18:13:18 UTC+0000   ARC, NI         
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     TRUECR~1.ZIP   2013-10-05 01:32:24 UTC+0000   2013-10-05 01:32:30 UTC+0000   2013-10-05 01:32:30 UTC+0000   ARC, NI                   TrueCrypt 7.1a
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     WINSDK~1.EXE   2013-10-06 16:11:04 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:11:40 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:11:40 UTC+0000   ARC, NI                   winsdk_web.exe
ItemPos1024x768x96(1)     VMWARE~1.LNK   2013-10-15 18:45:08 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 19:16:02 UTC+0000   2013-10-15 18:45:08 UTC+0000   ARC                       VMware Shared Folders.lnk

Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
Key: Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU
Last updated: 2013-10-15 18:47:04 UTC+0000
Value   Mru   Entry Type     GUID                                     GUID Description     Folder IDs
------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------
1       2     Folder Entry   20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d     My Computer          EXPLORER, MY_COMPUTER

Value   Mru   File Name      Modified Date                  Create Date                    Access Date                    File Attr                 Path
------- ----- -------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- ----
0       3     SYSINT~1       2011-03-04 14:39:26 UTC+0000   2011-03-04 14:39:26 UTC+0000   2011-03-04 14:39:26 UTC+0000   NI, DIR                   SysinternalsSuite
3       6     TrueCrypt 7.1a Source 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   DIR                       TrueCrypt 7.1a Source

Value   Mru   Entry Type     GUID                                     GUID Description     Folder IDs
------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------
2       1     Folder Entry   26ee0668-a00a-44d7-9371-beb064c98683     {Unknown CSIDL}      EXPLORER, MY_COMPUTER, RECYCLE_BIN, UKNOWN

Value   Mru   File Name      Modified Date                  Create Date                    Access Date                    File Attr                 Path
------- ----- -------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- ----
5       7     pkcs           2013-10-06 14:48:04 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:32:30 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:32:30 UTC+0000   NI, DIR                   pkcs
4       5     gzip-1.3.12-1-bin 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   DIR                       gzip-1.3.12-1-bin
7       0     processhacker-2.31-bin 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC+0000   DIR                       processhacker-2.31-bin
6       4     TRUECR~1       2013-10-06 16:38:20 UTC+0000   2013-10-05 01:33:00 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:38:20 UTC+0000   DIR                       TrueCrypt

Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
Key: Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\1
Last updated: 2013-10-06 19:20:20 UTC+0000
Value   Mru   Entry Type     Path
------- ----- -------------- ----
1       3     Volume Name    A:\
0       0     Volume Name    C:\
3       1     Volume Name    Z:\
2       2     Volume Name    D:\

Registry: \??\C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
Key: Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\4
Last updated: 2013-10-06 18:07:31 UTC+0000
Value   Mru   File Name      Modified Date                  Create Date                    Access Date                    File Attr                 Path
------- ----- -------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- ----
0       0     bin            2013-10-06 16:33:54 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:33:54 UTC+0000   2013-10-06 16:33:54 UTC+0000   DIR                       gzip-1.3.12-1-bin\bin

Presenter Notes


Dumps keys from SYSTEM and SAM hives which contain password hashes (LM and NT hash)

NT hash is on all Windows

  • Also called NTLM hash
  • v1 uses MD4 hashing algorithm without salting

LM hash is easy to crack and is disabled in Vista+

Stored by Username:RID:LMHash:NTLMHash

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 hashdump
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4

Use cracker/website/rainbow table/etc

8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c NTLM : password

Presenter Notes

RID = Releative Id of the user SID

15+ characters = no LM hashes in memory


Anti-registry forensics technique

Write over Last Update time on a registry key to a ridiculous number

SetRegTime by Joakim Schicht uses NtSetInformationKey to perform this

NTSTATUS NtSetInformationKey(
  _In_  HANDLE KeyHandle,
  _In_  KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS KeySetInformationClass,
  _In_  PVOID KeySetInformation,
  _In_  ULONG KeySetInformationLength

Presenter Notes


Lots of WinAPI for registry

2 important

  _In_        HKEY hKey,
  _In_        LPCTSTR lpSubKey,
  _Reserved_  DWORD Reserved,
  _In_opt_    LPTSTR lpClass,
  _In_        DWORD dwOptions,
  _In_        REGSAM samDesired,
  _In_opt_    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
  _Out_       PHKEY phkResult,
  _Out_opt_   LPDWORD lpdwDisposition


  _In_        HKEY hKey,
  _In_opt_    LPCTSTR lpValueName,
  _Reserved_  DWORD Reserved,
  _In_        DWORD dwType,
  _In_        const BYTE *lpData,
  _In_        DWORD cbData

Presenter Notes


Presenter Notes