Event Logs in XP and Vista+

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Event Logs

Contain a wealth of information about a system.

Windows monitors and logs several activities that occur within the OS.

  • Amount makes it hard to determine what is occurring, though.

What Events to collect/care about?

  • Account login
  • account management
  • application crashes
  • system or service failures
  • firewall events (Windows Firewall)
  • event logs were cleared
  • installation of new software/services
  • device attachment
  • pass the hash detection

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Event Log Locations

Event logs are specific files on disk that get written to.

Readable by Event Viewer on a host machine.


  • Events occurring with an error, warning or information.
  • Error is defined as a significant problem like loss of data or crash.
  • Warning might indicate a problem.
  • Information is a successful operation.
  • Anti-Virus information


  • Audit events
  • Logons
  • Turned off by default on XP systems in HKLM/SECURITY/Policy/PolAdtEv

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  • Application setup.
  • Windows update


  • System events
  • Services
  • DNS Client
  • Plug and play

Loads of different types of events and descriptions per event... Windows Security Logs

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Windows XP

.EVT Files

Contains Application, System and Security logs


Services.exe contains event logs in process memory

Event Log Header and Event Record Strucutres used to represent logs.

def EVTLogHeader 0x30:  
    'Magic'             #LfLe
    'OffsetOldest'      #offset of oldest record
    'OffsetNextToWrite' #offset of next record to be written
    'NextID'            #next event record ID
    'OldestID'          #oldest event record ID
    'MaxSize'           #maximum size of event record 
    'RetentionTime'     #retention time of records
    'RecordSize'        #size of the record

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def EVTRecordStruct 0x38:
    'RecordLength'  #Length of event log recorded
    'Magic'         #LfLe
    'RecordNumber'  #ID record within the event log
    'EventID' :     #specific to event source and uniquely identifies the event
    'EventType'     #described above in EventTypes
    'NumStrings'    #strings to describe event.

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Volatility Plugins

Requires knowing where the services.exe is located

1. Locate the services.exe binary in memory

[root&windows]#volatility -f sample004.bin --profile=$prof  pslist | grep services
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset(V)  Name                    PID   PPID   Thds     Hnds   Sess  Wow64 
0x82146460 services.exe            672    624     15      238      0      0

2. Using vadinfo, find the location of an event log .

[root&windows]#volatility -f sample004.bin --profile=$prof vadinfo -p 672 | grep .Evt -B 9
VAD node @ 0x8226c2e0 Start 0x009b0000 End 0x009bffff Tag Vad
Flags: Protection: 4
ControlArea @822a5008 Segment e15310d0
NumberOfSectionReferences:          1 NumberOfPfnReferences:           1
NumberOfMappedViews:                1 NumberOfUserReferences:          2
Control Flags: Accessed: 1, File: 1, HadUserReference: 1
FileObject @822a5f90, Name: \WINDOWS\system32\config\SecEvent.Evt

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Performing manual parsing of the vad, while useful, is not needed as the Volatility authors wrote the evtlog plugin!

  • Extracts and parses binary event logs from services.exe
  • Files extracted from the VAD, much like we did in the previous slide.
  • Handles corrupt events logs
  • Can dump a raw log for external processing
  • VERY slow
    • Parsing through vad to find evt file
    • Ensures evt file has proper header values
    • parses evt
    • LOTS of events on a system

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evtlogs Usage

  • --save-evt outputs .evt files and .txt files for parsing each log file.
    • Can use evt files with external tools
  • -D output/
    [root&windows]#volatility -f sample004.bin --profile=$prof evtlogs -v --save-evt -D logs/
    Saved raw .evt file to secevent.evt
    Parsed data sent to secevent.txt
    Saved raw .evt file to appevent.evt
    Parsed data sent to appevent.txt
    Saved raw .evt file to sysevent.evt
    Parsed data sent to sysevent.txt

Text is parsed as

 Date\Time | Log Name | Computer Name | SID | Source | Event ID | Event Type | Message Strings

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Tracing an Event

[root&windows]#ls logs/
appevent.evt  appevent.txt  secevent.evt  secevent.txt  sysevent.evt  sysevent.txt
[root&windows]#cat logs/appevent.txt  | grep -i warn
2012-03-28 16:18:28 UTC+0000|appevent.evt|RES-LAB01
|S-1-5-21-1417001333-1935655697-839522115-1003 (User: Jack)

WinMgmt Event 63:

  • A provider has not been registered in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) namespace. Great risk is posed by these providers as the account in question is privileged and the provider may cause a security violation.
  • TLDR; Provider is running as LocalSystem security!

HiPerfCooker_v1 is the instance name of _Win32Provider which registers information about physical WMI.

Lots of Googling shows this is not malicious, but could be an area of priv. esc if it contained a vulnerability.

Not every event log is a hint to an intrusion... use tools to parse, draw suspicions and validate! This event turned out to be nothing even though it was a warning.

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Logging Policies

Security log turned off in XP by default.

Check registry settings to see what events are recorded to make analysis easier.


Prints out the Audit Policies from HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv

[root&windows]#cat logs/secevent.txt

No logs.. should expect all events to be non-logging.

[root&windows]#volatility -f sample004.bin --profile=$prof auditpol
Auditing is Disabled
    Audit System Events: Not Logged
    Audit Logon Events: Not Logged
    Audit Object Access: Not Logged
    Audit Privilege Use: Not Logged
    Audit Process Tracking: Not Logged
    Audit Policy Change: Not Logged
    Audit Account Management: Not Logged
    Audit Dir Service Access: Not Logged
    Audit Account Logon Events: Not Logged

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Auditpol with security events logged

[root&windows]#volatility -f winXpLogs.bin --profile=$prof auditpol
Auditing is Enabled
    Audit System Events: S/F
    Audit Logon Events: Not Logged
    Audit Object Access: S/F
    Audit Privilege Use: S

S = successful operations logged

F = failed operations are logged

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Windows Vista+

Logs are now in XML binary format

Event log extension is now ".Evtx"

More logs than on XP... more than 60 in %systemroot%\system32\winevt\Logs - My machine has 131

Description of strings are contained within the event logs!


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Event Log ID in Vista+

VistaEventId = PreVistaEventId + 4096

Micro$oft did this as the event content changed and they wanted to preserve legacy support.

Event for logon = 528 on PreVista PostVista eventID = 4624

4624 = 528 + 4096

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Evtx Format


    Basic information about the log file
    Contains the number of chunks present in a file
        1 = Full. Maximum configuration size and new records might not be written.
        0 = Dirty. The log was opened and change.

Chunk (Current Chunk mapped into memory, Not all chunks have to be)

    Contains XML templates and a series of event records

Event Records

    Record length
    Event ID

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Layout of Evtx file


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Headers of Evtx

def FileHeader:
    Magic = "ElfFile"
    No. of current chunk
    No. of next record
    Header space used,
    Minor version, constant 1
    Major version, constant 3
    Size of header, constant 4096
    Chunk count
    Flags (0 = dirty log, 1 = full log)
    Check sum
def Chunk:
    Magic = "ElfChnk"
    Number of first record in log
    Number of last record in log
    Number of first record in file
    Number of last record in file
    Size of header
    Offset of last record
    Offset of next record
    Check sum
def EventRecord:
    Magic = 0x2a 0x2a 0x00 0x00
    Record Length
    Event messages, binary XML

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Binary XML schema

def XMLschema:
                <TimeCreated SystemTime="2006-10-08T09:21:28.415Z"/>

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Volatility with Evtx

Volatility cannot parse Evtx files in memory.

Extract the logs from memory and parse them with an external tool.

Only extract logs you think you might need

  • Security never a bad idea...

Python-evtx is easy and in python!

  • Developed by Willi Ballenthin at Mandiant. (He has a ton of other python scripts to do IR!)
  • Install through pip or clone the github repo and run setup.py

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Files kept in memory cache can be recovered with this plugin.

Files may not be completely mapped in memory and missing sections are padded with 0's.

Iterates through the VAD and extracts files with DataSectionObject, ImageSectionObject or SharedCacheMap mappings.


-r REGEX dumps all files matching 
-i ignore case in REGEX
-o physical offset (Useful for processes not in PsActiveProcess or that have no PID)
-D dump dir
-S summary file
-p PID
-n dump by original file name
    default files are dumped in the form of file.[PID].[OFFSET].[EXT]

File EXT

  • img – ImageSectionObject
  • dat - DataSectionObject
  • vacb – SharedCacheMap

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Dumpfiles in Practice

[root&windows]#volatility -f $file --profile=$prof dumpfiles --regex .evtx$ -i -D eventsW7/
[root&windows]#cd eventsW7/
[root&eventsW7]#evtxinfo file.748.0x8430d008.vacb
Information from file header:
Format version  : 3.1
Flags           : 0x00000001
File is         : dirty
Log is full     : no
Current chunk   : 0 of 1
Oldest chunk    : 1
Next record#    : 4
Check sum       : pass

Suspected updated header values (header is dirty):
Current chunk   : 1 of 1
Next record#    : 4

Information from chunks:
Chunk file (first/last)     log (first/last)      Header Data
- ----- --------------------- --------------------- ------ ------
*     1          1         3           1         3   pass   pass
  2     [EMPTY]
  3     [EMPTY]
[root&eventsW7]#evtxdump file.748.0x8430d008.vacb
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"><System><Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity" Guid="4ee76bd8-3cf4-44a0-a0ac-3937643e37a3"></Provider>
<EventID Qualifiers="">3024</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-07-06 07:33:38.591425"></TimeCreated>
<Correlation ActivityID="" RelatedActivityID=""></Correlation>
<Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="48"></Execution>
<Security UserID="S-1-5-18"></Security>
<EventData><Data Name="Status">0xc0000034</Data>

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Log Wiping

Attackers can be smart and erase all of the log files on disk using the Windows API.

- MetaSploit implements this in the meterpreter shell

BOOL ClearEventLog(
    HANDLE hEventLog,        // handle to event log from advapi32.OpenEventLog()
    LPCTSTR lpBackupFileName // name of backup file. Can be NULL. 

Easy to produce.

Need to specify each log to erase... attacks can forget a few!

Security log commonly erased.

Because event logs are cached in memory or are still resident, some logs can be recovered!

Important Note

- An event is triggered when an event log is cleared to the security log.

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$ for b in  $(git fsck --lost-found | grep blob | awk '{print $3}'); 
do git cat-file -p $b > ../$b ; done

Resolve git conflicts before checking out a branch... thanks to the inetnet (other people did this, too), I did not lose all of this presentation! :)


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