Processes, Handles and Tokens

Presenter Notes


What processes are “normal” in Windows.

What an application has access to.

Security Contexts/Privilege Levels

Hidden Processes

Evasive Techniques

Presenter Notes

Process / Thread

A process is a running program with a set of resources.

  • Process ID
  • Security Context
  • At least 1 thread
  • Table of handles
  • Private virtual address space

A thread is an entity within a process that is scheduled for execution.

All processes have at least 1 thread.

  • CPU Registers/State of registers
  • Thread ID

Presenter Notes


A small sequence of programmed instructions

Can be managed independently by a scheduler

Executes within a process

Share data with other threads in the process

A process's threads shares its context

Also shares memory

Takes advantage of multiple cores in the processor

Can run on a single core processor


Reference to a windows object.

Stored in a table for easy lookup.

Presenter Notes

Privilege Separation

Protection rings separate user and kernel and is enforced at a hardware level.

Ring 0 = Kernel
Ring 3 = User

Uses system calls and interrupts to switch between rings

  • NT < XP: Ntdll.dll taps into ring 0 with software interrupt 'Int 0x2e'
  • New system call dispatcher is sysenter
    • Eax = ordinal value of system call
    • Edx = Argument array of system call with return address
    • DIsables interrupts and switches thread to Kernel Mode

cpu rings

Presenter Notes


Each process contains an executive EPROCESS data structure.

Exists in Kernel space.

Points to several lists

  • Handle Table
  • Security Identifiers
  • Loaded Modules
  • Threads
  • Virtual Address Descriptors

Kernel equivalent of the PEB in user space.

Presenter Notes

_EPROCESS in Memory

>>> dt ("_EPROCESS")
 '_EPROCESS' (704 bytes)
0x0   : Pcb                            ['_KPROCESS']
0x98  : ProcessLock                    ['_EX_PUSH_LOCK']
0xa0  : CreateTime                     ['WinTimeStamp', {'is_utc': True}]
0xa8  : ExitTime                       ['WinTimeStamp', {'is_utc': True}]
0xb0  : RundownProtect                 ['_EX_RUNDOWN_REF']
0xb4  : UniqueProcessId                ['unsigned int']
0xb8  : ActiveProcessLinks             ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0xc0  : ProcessQuotaUsage              ['array', 2, ['unsigned long']]
0x13c : Win32WindowStation             ['pointer', ['void']] #Clipboard and desktop objects
0x198 : ActiveThreads                  ['unsigned long']
0x1a8 : Peb                            ['pointer', ['_PEB']]
0x278 : VadRoot                        ['_MM_AVL_TABLE']

Presenter Notes

What is important in that huge structure?

PCB: _KPROCESS structure. (Process Control Block)

  • Contains critical fields such as the DirectoryTableBase (DTB) for address translation.

Create time, Exit Time

PID (Unique)


  • doubly linked list of processes

Parent PID





Processes memory segments

Process Environment Block

  • More in malware discussion.
  • Dll lists, env variables

Presenter Notes

Windows Sessions

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Used by the Kernel to track a process.

Related to scheduling and book-keeping of the process.

_EPROCESS is Executive Subsystem object that holds the _KPROCESS block.

Just a lower level view of the process than _EPROCESS.

What ImageInfo uses to discover what operating system profile to output

Presenter Notes

 '_KPROCESS' (152 bytes)
0x0   : Header                         ['_DISPATCHER_HEADER']
0x18  : DirectoryTableBase             ['unsigned long']
0x1c  : LdtDescriptor                  ['_KGDTENTRY']
0x24  : Int21Descriptor                ['_KIDTENTRY']
0x2c  : ThreadListHead                 ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x34  : ProcessLock                    ['unsigned long']
0x38  : Affinity                       ['_KAFFINITY_EX']
0x44  : ReadyListHead                  ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x4c  : SwapListEntry                  ['_SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY']
0x50  : ActiveProcessors               ['_KAFFINITY_EX']
0x74  : StackCount                     ['_KSTACK_COUNT']
0x78  : ProcessListEntry               ['_LIST_ENTRY']
0x80  : CycleTime                      ['unsigned long long']
0x88  : KernelTime                     ['unsigned long']
0x8c  : UserTime                       ['unsigned long']

Presenter Notes

Active Process Links

Doubly linked list of processes in a _LIST_ENTRY struct contained within other structs such as _EPROCESS.

_LIST_ENTRY is common in Windows and is also used for loaded modules in the PEB.

Contains a forward, Flink, and a back pointer, Blink, to entries.

active processes

Presenter Notes

Linked List of Processes

linked processes

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Normal Windows System
What is abnormal?

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Task Manager – Windows native

Pslist – Sysinternals, volatility

Procexp – Sysinternals

Process Hacker

Several API calls walk lists

  • NtQuerySystemInformation
  • CreateToolSnapshot

Presenter Notes

System and Idle

Created by Ntoskrnl.exe


PPID: None

PID: 4

Creates session manager process, smss.exe.

Starts at boot and is what Volshell context switches into by default.

Holds kernel-mode threads and drivers.

Uses PsCreateSystemThread to create system threads from kernel mode.


container for CPU.

PID: 0

Presenter Notes

Session Manger (SSMS)

Created by System

PPID: 4/System

Location: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32

First user mode process

Creates crss and winlogon and then exits.

Creates sessions that isolate OS services.

One is always running as one exits after creating its children.

Presenter Notes

Client/Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS)

Creates and deletes processes/Threads, temp files, etc.

Created by SSMS

Location: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32

Multiple run. One per session.

Malware often names itself after csrss to blend in.

  • Csrsss.exe, Cssrs.exe.. etc.

Windows < 7 = cmd.exe broker

Presenter Notes


Interactive login prompt

Screen saver

Started by SSMS, so no PID as SSMS exits.

Secure Attention Sequences (Ctrl+Alt+Del)

Location: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32

Presenter Notes


Parent: None as smss.exe creates it which exits.

Marks itself critical so that if it exits prematurely and the system is booted in debugging mode, it will break into the debugger (if not, the system will crash).

Location: %SystemRoot%\system32\wininit.exe

Performs user-mode initalization tasks and starts user-mode scheduling.

Creates %windir%\temp

Starts Lsass.exe, Lsm.exe and Services.exe

Presenter Notes

Services Control Manager (Services.exe)

Manages Windows services

Parent of any svchost process, dllhost, taskhost.

One copy

Location: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32

Created by WININET

Services defined in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

Whole lecture on these later

Presenter Notes


The Stuxnet service

Child of Wininit.exe

Only one on the system!

Manages local security policy. manages users allowed to login, password policies, security event logs, etc.

Targeted by malware to dump passwords!

Should not have any children

Presenter Notes

Several More


Know important Windows services and what is normal before trying to find the abnormal.

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Volatility to Track Processes, Security Context and Handles

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Symbol that points to doubly-linked list of _EPROCESS objects.

Inactive processes remain active in list if another process has an open handle to it.

A process with 0 threads and an ExitTime can still appear in list, although it has terminated.

Process is removed from list when PspProcessDelete it called

Each process has ActiveProcessList

>>> dt("_EPROCESS")
 '_EPROCESS' (704 bytes)
0xb8  : ActiveProcessLinks             ['_LIST_ENTRY']

The main PsActiveProcessHead is in the Kernel Processor Control Region (KPCR).

Presenter Notes

Kernel Processor Control Region (KPCR)

Structure where kernel stores per-processor information and is viewable from a debugger.

It is located from the FS register from Windows <= Vista.

  • It is now randomized with ASLR.

Contains the contents of CR3.

Recall the _KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 structure from week 1-02.

Magic = KDBG

Presenter Notes


Scans for potential KPCR structures

Imageinfo also shows the location of the KDBG and KPCR.

Uses a signature to location the _KPCR struct and ensures the _KPCR.Self points to itself.


[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 kpcrscan
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Offset (V)                    : 0x8292ec00
Offset (P)                    : 0x292ec00
KdVersionBlock                : 0x8292dc00
IDT                           : 0x80b95400
GDT                           : 0x80b95000
CurrentThread                 : 0x8516c030 TID 624 (svchost.exe:1204)
IdleThread                    : 0x82938380 TID 0 (Idle:0)
Details                       : CPU 0 (GenuineIntel @ 3191 MHz)
CR3/DTB                       : 0x185000

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 imageinfo
KDBG : 0x8292dc28L  
KPCR for CPU 0 : 0x8292ec00L

Presenter Notes


>>> dt("_KPCR")
 '_KPCR' (14152 bytes)
0x0   : NtTib                          ['_NT_TIB']
0x0   : Used_ExceptionList             ['pointer', ['_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD']]
0x4   : Used_StackBase                 ['pointer', ['void']]
0x8   : Spare2                         ['pointer', ['void']]
0xc   : TssCopy                        ['pointer', ['void']]
0x10  : ContextSwitches                ['unsigned long']
0x14  : SetMemberCopy                  ['unsigned long']
0x18  : Used_Self                      ['pointer', ['void']]
0x1c  : SelfPcr                        ['pointer', ['_KPCR']]
0x20  : Prcb                           ['pointer', ['_KPRCB']]
0x24  : Irql                           ['unsigned char']
0x28  : IRR                            ['unsigned long']
0x2c  : IrrActive                      ['unsigned long']
0x30  : IDR                            ['unsigned long']
0x34  : KdVersionBlock                 ['pointer', ['void']]
0x38  : IDT                            ['pointer', ['array', 256, ['_KIDTENTRY']]]
0x3c  : GDT                            ['pointer', ['array', 128, ['_KGDTENTRY']]]
0x40  : TSS                            ['pointer', ['_KTSS']]
0x44  : MajorVersion                   ['unsigned short']
0x46  : MinorVersion                   ['unsigned short']
0x48  : SetMember                      ['unsigned long']
0x4c  : StallScaleFactor               ['unsigned long']
0x50  : SpareUnused                    ['unsigned char']
0x51  : Number                         ['unsigned char']
0x52  : Spare0                         ['unsigned char']
0x53  : SecondLevelCacheAssociativity  ['unsigned char']
0x54  : VdmAlert                       ['unsigned long']
0x58  : KernelReserved                 ['array', 14, ['unsigned long']]
0x90  : SecondLevelCacheSize           ['unsigned long']
0x94  : HalReserved                    ['array', 16, ['unsigned long']]
0xd4  : InterruptMode                  ['unsigned long']
0xd8  : Spare1                         ['unsigned char']
0xdc  : KernelReserved2                ['array', 17, ['unsigned long']]
0x120 : PrcbData                       ['_KPRCB']

We really only care about getting to the KDVersionBlock!

Offset 0x34 = KdVersionBlock pointer

Offset 0x78 in KdVersionBlock is &PsActiveProcessHead

Presenter Notes


Contains the PsActiveProcessHead

Already found this in imageinfo

Easier than the aforementioned method and how Volatility does it

>>> dt("_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64")
 '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64' (832 bytes)
0x0   : Header                         ['_DBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER64']
0x18  : KernBase                       ['unsigned long long']
0x20  : BreakpointWithStatus           ['unsigned long long']
0x28  : SavedContext                   ['unsigned long long']
0x30  : ThCallbackStack                ['unsigned short']
0x32  : NextCallback                   ['unsigned short']
0x34  : FramePointer                   ['unsigned short']
0x38  : KiCallUserMode                 ['unsigned long long']
0x40  : KeUserCallbackDispatcher       ['unsigned long long']
0x48  : PsLoadedModuleList             ['pointer', ['_LIST_ENTRY']]
0x50  : PsActiveProcessHead            ['pointer', ['_LIST_ENTRY']]
0x58  : PspCidTable                    ['pointer', ['pointer', ['_PSP_CID_TABLE']]]

Presenter Notes

kdbg scan

Search for and dump potential KDBG values

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 kdbgscan
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.4
Instantiating KDBG using: Kernel AS Win7SP0x86 (6.1.7600 32bit)
Offset (V)                    : 0x8292dc28
Offset (P)                    : 0x292dc28
KDBG owner tag check          : True
Profile suggestion (KDBGHeader): Win7SP1x86
Version64                     : 0x8292dc00 (Major: 15, Minor: 7601)
Service Pack (CmNtCSDVersion) : 1
Build string (NtBuildLab)     : 7601.18205.x86fre.win7sp1_gdr.13
PsActiveProcessHead           : 0x82945ba8 (54 processes)
PsLoadedModuleList            : 0x8294d4d0 (155 modules)
KernelBase                    : 0x82804000 (Matches MZ: True)
Major (OptionalHeader)        : 6
Minor (OptionalHeader)        : 1
KPCR                          : 0x8292ec00 (CPU 0)

Presenter Notes

Analyzing Process Activity


  • Walks linked list of processes in ActiveProcessList. Easy to unlink from


  • Print process list as a tree


  • Scans for _EPROCESS objects


  • 7 different enumerations for process objects

Presenter Notes




  • Offset ( virtual address)
  • process name
  • process ID and the parent process ID
  • Number of threads
  • Number of handles
  • Date/time when the process started and exited

Options - -P gives the physical offset address

Points to the start of a list of _EPROCESS structures

Presenter Notes


[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 pstree
Name                                                  Pid   PPid   Thds   Hnds Time
-------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----
 0x853f7490:csrss.exe                                 348    340      9    523 2013-10-15 18:45:53 UTC+0000
. 0x8426ad40:conhost.exe                             3880    348      0 ------ 2013-10-15 18:49:01 UTC+0000
 0x859c2d40:wininit.exe                               400    340      3     74 2013-10-15 18:45:53 UTC+0000
. 0x85a2d308:lsass.exe                                520    400      7    595 2013-10-15 18:45:53 UTC+0000
. 0x85a315a8:lsm.exe                                  528    400     10    162 2013-10-15 18:45:53 UTC+0000
. 0x85a1e410:services.exe                             504    400     11    218 2013-10-15 18:45:53 UTC+0000
.. 0x8526ad00:svchost.exe                            3712    504      9    204 2013-10-15 18:46:43 UTC+0000
.. 0x8538b030:dllhost.exe                            1804    504     21    189 2013-10-15 18:45:57 UTC+0000
.. 0x86485030:FXSSVC.exe                             3092    504     18    110 2013-10-15 18:46:15 UTC+0000
.. 0x86019b48:spoolsv.exe                            1304    504     15    337 2013-10-15 18:45:55 UTC+0000
.. 0x8617ab90:TPAutoConnSvc.                         1668    504     11    139 2013-10-15 18:45:57 UTC+0000
... 0x862ba8c8:TPAutoConnect.                        2176   1668      6    123 2013-10-15 18:46:00 UTC+0000

Presenter Notes

Virtual Address

Ps* contains virtual address of _EPROCESS structure.

_EPROCESS of Winlogon

Can use it in Volshell to parse information

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 pstree | grep cmd.exe
... 0x842424b8:cmd.exe                               3912   1504      0 ------ 2013-10-15 18:49:01 UTC+0000
[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 volshell
>>> dt("_EPROCESS", 0x842424b8)
[_EPROCESS _EPROCESS] @ 0x842424B8
0x0   : Pcb                            2216961208
0x98  : ProcessLock                    2216961360
0xa0  : CreateTime                     2013-10-15 18:49:01 UTC+0000
0xa8  : ExitTime                       2013-10-15 18:49:01 UTC+0000
0xb0  : RundownProtect                 2216961384
0xb4  : UniqueProcessId                3912
0xb8  : ActiveProcessLinks             2216961392
0xc0  : ProcessQuotaUsage              -
0xc8  : ProcessQuotaPeak               -
0xd0  : CommitCharge                   0
0xd4  : QuotaBlock                     2190711296
0xd8  : CpuQuotaBlock                  0
0x274 : ExitStatus                     0
0x278 : VadRoot                        2216961840

Presenter Notes

We obtained the address to Pcb/_KPROCESS from the last entry

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 volshell
>>> dt("_KPROCESS", 2216961208)
[CType _KPROCESS] @ 0x842424B8
0x0   : Header                         2216961208
0x10  : ProfileListHead                2216961224
0x18  : DirectoryTableBase             1053738560
0x1c  : LdtDescriptor                  2216961236
0x24  : Int21Descriptor                2216961244
0x2c  : ThreadListHead                 2216961252
0x34  : ProcessLock                    0
0x38  : Affinity                       2216961264
0x44  : ReadyListHead                  2216961276
0x4c  : SwapListEntry                  2216961284
0x50  : ActiveProcessors               2216961288
0x6c  : Flags                          2216961316
0x6d  : Unused1                        0
0x6e  : IopmOffset                     8364
0x70  : Unused4                        0
0x74  : StackCount                     2216961324
0x78  : ProcessListEntry               2216961328
0x80  : CycleTime                      20807923
0x88  : KernelTime                     0

Presenter Notes


Enumerates processes

  • Uses pool tag scanning

can find processes

  • Previously terminated (inactive)
  • Hidden processes
  • Unlinked by a rootkit


  • rootkits can still hide by overwriting the pool tag values

Presenter Notes


Scans for a process by enumerating 7 listings.

Pool-tag scanning

Thread scanning.

- _ETHREAD.ThreadProcess

CRSS handle table

PspCid table

Session processes

Desktop threads

Presenter Notes

Psxview cont

True = Process Found

False = Process not in list.

  • Normal for some processes such as system, smss, csrss as they are started before the CSRSS handle table is created.
  • Processes before smss are not in session/desktop listing
  • Use –apply-rules to get an “Okay” if false.

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 psxview --apply-rules
Offset(P)  Name                    PID pslist psscan thrdproc pspcid csrss session deskthrd ExitTime
---------- -------------------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ ----- ------- -------- --------
0x3ec6ad00 svchost.exe            3712 True   True   True     True   True  True    False
0x3df3ad40 msdtc.exe              1980 True   True   True     True   True  True    True
0x3e42d308 lsass.exe               520 True   True   True     True   True  True    False
0x3da80530 calc.exe               3032 True   True   True     True   True  True    True
0x3df7ab90 TPAutoConnSvc.         1668 True   True   True     True   True  True    True
0x3dcba248 conhost.exe            2184 True   True   True     True   True  True    True
0x3e0f03c8 svchost.exe             908 True   True   True     True   True  True    True
0x3f435030 msra.exe               3676 True   True   True     True   True  True    True
0x3e7c2030 csrss.exe               412 True   True   True     True   Okay  True    True

Presenter Notes

Direct Kernel Object Manipulation (DKOM)

If an attacker gets access to system and can write into kernel objects, they can hide information from certain lists.

Kernel Drivers have unrestricted access to kernel memory.

\Device\PhysicalMemory in XP

ZwSystemDebugControl winAPI function to access kernel objects if SeDebugPrivilege is set on a process.

Presenter Notes


Hide Processes, files, network connections

Adjust Privileges

Add groups to tokens

Manipulate event view

Hide Ports

Default Kernel mode IDS/IPS/AV


Anything in a Kernel list can be manipulated with DKOM if careful (VADs are HARD to DKOM).

Install Kernel driver onto system and control it from user land.

Presenter Notes

DKOM sample

itemTOHide = (PLIST_ENTRY)((PUCHAR)toHide + hardcodeaddress);
*((PDWORD)itemTOHide->Blink) = (DWORD)itemTOHide->Flink;
*((PDWORD)(itemTOHide->Flink) + 1) = (DWORD)itemTOHide->Blink;
itemTOHide->Blink = (PLIST_ENTRY)&itemTOHide->Flink;
itemTOHide->Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)&itemTOHide->Flink;

Simple forward/back link swap! Easy!

Need to get a driver installed or a kernel module loaded though...

Would also need to know offsets to PID and _LIST_ENTRY

Presenter Notes


Presenter Notes

Security Context

Security Identifies (SIDs) determine the privileges a user or group has.

Tokens are used by a process to store SID values for users/groups.

Tokens are the underlying object that describe security context

Several API functions to control security context

  • AdjustTokenPrivileges, GetTokenInformation, SetThreadToken

Presenter Notes




S = Prefix for SID

1 = Revision Level (NT = 1)

5 = Highest level of authority that can issue SID.

21-2753350090-3269873950-3447048925 = Local computer/domain Identifier

1000 = Relative Identifier. 1000> = OS didn't create by default.

Presenter Notes

SID In Registry


HKEY_USERS\SID\Volatile Environment\Username

All over the place...

The SID from HKEY_USERS is what gets put in HKEY_CURRENT_USER for a logged in account

example sid

Presenter Notes

Many Structs & API


  • Describes security context of a process or thread. _SID


  • Locally Unique Identifier unique to a system
  • … too many.

OpenProcessToken → GetTokenInformation

Also, procexplorer from SysInternals

Presenter Notes

procexp sid

Presenter Notes


Volatility plugin to get the SIDs associated with a process.

  • -p PID
  • -n NAME (uses regex)
  • -o offset for hidden process from psxview

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 getsids -n cmd
cmd.exe (3912): S-1-5-18 (Local System)
cmd.exe (3912): S-1-5-32-544 (Administrators)
cmd.exe (3912): S-1-1-0 (Everyone)
cmd.exe (3912): S-1-5-11 (Authenticated Users)
cmd.exe (3912): S-1-16-16384 (System Mandatory Level)

Presenter Notes


Tokens contain information on what privileges they have.

Privileges = Permission to perform a specific task.

All processes contain tokens.

The Local Security Policy dictates what privileges can be enabled.

Presenter Notes


A privilege can be present but not enabled.

Processes can inheritance privileges

Privileges can be enabled by default

SeDebug= Read/Write into other processes. Malware LOVES this one.

SeLoadDriver = Load/unload Kernel drivers.

Can use DKOM methods to trick kernel into enabling all privileges and hiding information from user mode.

Presenter Notes


Volatility plugin to list present and enabled privileges on a per process basis.

  • -p flag for specific PID.
  • -n NAME (uses regex)
  • -s suppress results that were enabled by default
  • -o offset for hidden process from psxview

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 privs -n cmd
Pid      Process          Value  Privilege                            Attributes               Description
-------- ---------------- ------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------ -----------
3912 cmd.exe               2 SeCreateTokenPrivilege                                        Create a token object
3912 cmd.exe               3 SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege        Present                  Replace a process-level token
3912 cmd.exe               4 SeLockMemoryPrivilege                Present,Enabled,Default  Lock pages in memory
3912 cmd.exe               5 SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege             Present                  Increase quotas
3912 cmd.exe               6 SeMachineAccountPrivilege                                     Add workstations to the domain
3912 cmd.exe               7 SeTcbPrivilege                       Present,Enabled,Default  Act as part of the operating system
3912 cmd.exe               8 SeSecurityPrivilege                  Present                  Manage auditing and security log
3912 cmd.exe               9 SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege             Present                  Take ownership of files/objects
3912 cmd.exe              10 SeLoadDriverPrivilege                Present                  Load and unload device drivers
3912 cmd.exe              11 SeSystemProfilePrivilege             Present,Enabled,Default  Profile system performance
3912 cmd.exe              12 SeSystemtimePrivilege                Present                  Change the system time
3912 cmd.exe              13 SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege      Present,Enabled,Default  Profile a single process
3912 cmd.exe              14 SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege      Present,Enabled,Default  Increase scheduling priority
3912 cmd.exe              15 SeCreatePagefilePrivilege            Present,Enabled,Default  Create a pagefile
3912 cmd.exe              16 SeCreatePermanentPrivilege           Present,Enabled,Default  Create permanent shared objects
3912 cmd.exe              17 SeBackupPrivilege                    Present                  Backup files and directories
3912 cmd.exe              18 SeRestorePrivilege                   Present                  Restore files and directories
3912 cmd.exe              19 SeShutdownPrivilege                  Present                  Shut down the system
3912 cmd.exe              20 SeDebugPrivilege                     Present,Default          Debug programs
3912 cmd.exe              21 SeAuditPrivilege                     Present,Enabled,Default  Generate security audits
3912 cmd.exe              22 SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege         Present                  Edit firmware environment values
3912 cmd.exe              23 SeChangeNotifyPrivilege              Present,Enabled,Default  Receive notifications of changes to files or directories
3912 cmd.exe              24 SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege                                     Force shutdown from a remote system
3912 cmd.exe              25 SeUndockPrivilege                    Present                  Remove computer from docking station
3912 cmd.exe              26 SeSyncAgentPrivilege                                          Synch directory service data
3912 cmd.exe              27 SeEnableDelegationPrivilege                                   Enable user accounts to be trusted for delegation
3912 cmd.exe              28 SeManageVolumePrivilege              Present                  Manage the files on a volume
3912 cmd.exe              29 SeImpersonatePrivilege               Present,Enabled,Default  Impersonate a client after authentication
3912 cmd.exe              30 SeCreateGlobalPrivilege              Present,Enabled,Default  Create global objects
3912 cmd.exe              31 SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege                               Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller
3912 cmd.exe              32 SeRelabelPrivilege                                            Modify the mandatory integrity level of an object
3912 cmd.exe              33 SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege        Present,Enabled,Default  Allocate more memory for user applications
3912 cmd.exe              34 SeTimeZonePrivilege                  Present,Enabled,Default  Adjust the time zone of the computer's internal clock
3912 cmd.exe              35 SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege        Present,Enabled,Default  Required to create a symbolic link

Presenter Notes

Use privs with a goal in mind!

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 privs -s | grep SeDebug
1108 ProcessHacker.       20 SeDebugPrivilege                     Present,Enabled          Debug programs

Presenter Notes

Common target for attackers as it is white-listed for automatic elevation to administrator.
Enabled privileges could indicate malicious activity.


Reference to an open instance of a kernel object

Includes files, registry keys, mutexes, named pipes, events, window stations, desktops, threads, and all other types of securable executive objects.

Recall the executive creates several objects based on API call. CreateFile → _FILE_OBJECT

Presenter Notes

System has handle table of Kernel resources

._EPROCESS.ObjectTable has handle table

Indexes contain _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY structs in yet another _LIST_ENTRY list

_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY point to an Object member which contain the _OBJECT_HEADER of the object.

_EPROCESS.ObjectTable → _Handle_Table.TableCode → _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY → _OBJECT_HEADER

handle table

Presenter Notes


Volatility plugin to display all open handles.

-p for process

-o for physical offset to _EPROCESS

-t objectType (comma-serparated)

--silent = surpress unamed objects

ProcessHacker = PID 1108 had SeDebugPriv added

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 handles -p 1108
Offset(V)     Pid     Handle     Access Type                       Details
---------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------------------------- -------
0x8bbd6458   1108        0x4        0x3 Directory                  KnownDlls
0x86450cd0   1108        0x8   0x100020 File                       \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Users\Daniel\Desktop\processhacker-2.31-bin\x86
0x85a09eb8   1108        0xc   0x100020 File                       \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\winsxs\
0x933b8310   1108       0x10    0x20019 Key                        MACHINE\SYSTEM\CONTROLSET001\CONTROL\NLS\SORTING\VERSIONS
0x8650e500   1108       0x14   0x1f0001 ALPC Port
0x85f36770   1108       0x18      0x804 EtwRegistration
0x84408988   1108      0x38c   0x1fffff Thread                     TID 852 PID 1108
0x86452d40   1108      0x290     0x1400 Process                    StikyNot.exe(2972)
0x862f63a0   1108      0x294     0x1400 Process                    mstsc.exe(2704)
0x863f63b8   1108      0x298     0x1400 Process                    devenv.exe(2876)
0x86480530   1108      0x29c     0x1400 Process                    calc.exe(3032)
0x8533ad40   1108      0x2a0     0x1400 Process                    WFS.exe(3056)
0x86485030   1108      0x2a4     0x1400 Process                    FXSSVC.exe(3092)
0x86499d40   1108      0x2a8     0x1400 Process                    mspaint.exe(3196)
0x864ada20   1108      0x2ac     0x1400 Process                    svchost.exe(3232)
0x864b5d40   1108      0x2b0     0x1400 Process                    SnippingTool.e(3276)
0x86487d40   1108      0x2b4     0x1400 Process                    wisptis.exe(3364)
0x85358d40   1108      0x2b8     0x1400 Process                    mobsync.exe(3444)
0x86250770   1108      0x2bc     0x1400 Process                    sidebar.exe(3544)
0x84a35030   1108      0x2c0     0x1400 Process                    msra.exe(3676)
0x8526ad00   1108      0x2c4     0x1400 Process                    svchost.exe(3712)
0x861abd40   1108      0x2c8     0x1400 Process                    svchost.exe(3744)
0x863a20f0   1108      0x110   0x1f0001 Mutant                     ProcessHacker2Mutant

Presenter Notes

ProcessHacker opened a handle to processes running on the system.
It also created a mutant, ProcessHacker2Mutant! EASY flag for a scan!


Presenter Notes


Address Space

  • All threads in the same process can access the processes address space
  • Enables tight coupling of threads
  • No IPC overhead
  • 2 threads can access the same structures at the same time
    • Race conditions
    • Data corruption

Synchronizing techniques - Memory locks - Process/thread preemption

Presenter Notes


Synchronization object

Maintains a count between zero and a specified maximum value

  • Decremented each time a thread completes a wait for the semaphore object
  • Incremented each time a thread releases the semaphore
  • When the count reaches zero, no more threads can successfully wait for the semaphore object state to become signaled
  • The state of a semaphore is set to signaled when its count is greater than zero
  • Nonsignaled when its count is zero

Semaphore object is useful in controlling a shared resource that can support a limited number of users

Presenter Notes

Semaphore Functions

Semaphore objects control shared resources

  • Supports a limited number of users

Limits the number of threads sharing a resource

The wait function blocks execution of the window-creation code

Incremented each time a thread releases the semaphore

Decremented each time a thread completes a wait

When count reaches zero, no more threads can successfully wait

Presenter Notes

Semaphore States


State of a semaphore is set to signaled when its count is greater than zero, and nonsignaled when its count is zero

Not Signaled

State is set to nonsignaled when its count is zero No more threads can successfully wait for the semaphore

Presenter Notes

Waiting for a Shared Resourcce

If more than one thread is waiting on a semaphore, a waiting thread is selected

Is not a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order

External events such as kernel-mode states can change the wait order.

Presenter Notes


Watch for these when doing analysis





Presenter Notes

Mutex Objects

A mutex is a synchronization object

Whose state is set to signaled when it is Not owned by any thread is set to signaled

Nonsignaled when it is owned

Only one thread at a time can own a mutex object

Useful in coordinating mutually exclusive access to a shared resource

Similar to a semaphore for single thread access

Presenter Notes

Example: to prevent two threads from writing to shared memory at the same time, each thread waits for ownership of a mutex object before executing the code that accesses the memory. After writing to the shared memory, the thread releases the mutex object.
Malware LOVES Mutexes!!!


Scan physical memory for KMUTANT objects with pool tag scanning

Displays all objects, a LOT

  • -s to only show named mutexes
  • A start address
  • G length to scan from start address
  • -W skip unallocated objects

The CID column contains the process ID and thread ID of the mutex owner if one exists.

[root&windows]#volatility -f Win7.bin --profile=Win7SP0x86 mutantscan -s                                                                         
Offset(P)              #Ptr     #Hnd Signal Thread           CID Name
------------------ -------- -------- ------ ---------- --------- ----
0x000000003dfd45f8        2        1      1 0x00000000           .NET Data Provider for Oracle_Perf_Library_Lock_PID_5e0
0x000000003dfd47e0        2        1      1 0x00000000           .NET Data Provider for SqlServer_Perf_Library_Lock_PID_5e0
0x000000003dfdf758        2        1      1 0x00000000           MSDTC_STATS_EVENT
0x000000003dfe9bf8        5        4      1 0x00000000           TpVcW32ListMutex
0x000000003dfeab88        2        1      1 0x00000000           TP-TMUACCESS
0x000000003dd99f08        2        1      1 0x00000000           WindowsSearchService_EfsRegKeysMutex
0x000000003dda20f0        2        1      1 0x00000000           ProcessHacker2Mutant

Presenter Notes

Using Physical Space in volshell

When using volshell it assumes you are in virtual space

Not all plugins give virtual address

Switch to physical space

physical_space = utils.load_as(self._config, astype = 'physical')
dt("_STRUCT", 0xdeadbeef, physical_space)

Presenter Notes


Presenter Notes